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Tesla's construction of the world's first Wind Turbine and Solar Storage Concept

We can no longer continue with a status quo energy policy. We must create sustainable clean energy jobs and leave the planet to our children and grandchildren in better shape than we found it. -Jeff Merkley Tesla has been very busy lately with a project in Queensland Austrailia.  So far, the cost is $60 million but it will generate 43.2 Megawatts of wind with 15 Megawatts for an A/C unit using solar.  Solar and wind power will be collected within an ion storage unit to help during peak hours. Excess energy is necessary for the project to work. The cost will be kept low due to the efficiency of the ion storage. Overall, the project will generate 1200 megawatts of capacity! Need a clearer comparison? How about with that figure mentioned above they will be able to power 35,000 average Austrailian homes? The consensus from homeowners that I speak to on the phone is that they are waiting for Solar Technology to "get better". Well, if this isn't an example of ho

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