Why 250 U.S. Mayors Decided Not to Wait for Trump!

 A binary group of mayors throughout the country has collectively backed an inspired promise for US cities to run entirely on renewable sources like wind and solar by 2035.

A Commitment is Essential!

As the US Conference of Mayors concluded in Miami Beach, directors from more than 250 cities willed on significant intent to resist Donald Trump on climate change and immigration.

Steve Benjamin, the Democratic mayor of Columbia, South Carolina, advised the resolution with a few other mayors. Mayors had been spearheading climate and energy concerns for a long while, he stated, adding that the president’s conduct had put to match the frenzy of mayors and taxpayers who desire to do more.

The clean energy declaration is one of the numerous amendments that will be sent to Congress and the White House, hoping to leverage lawmakers beneath an authority that has yanked the United States out of the Paris climate accord. It was arranged by Democratic mayors in Republican-dominated states: South Carolina, Texas, Utah, and Iowa.

The Conclusion to this matter: You have 250 mayors urging Congress to support renewable or solar energy, don't you think that is grounds to take alternative energy options more seriously? Perhaps it is becoming no longer an option but a necessity!

Are you going to stand with President Trump, who discredits climate change and renewable energy without an ounce of backed scientific proof, or do you stand with 250 committed mayors that have been on the front lines dealing with this problem for years?

Here is the link for more info.  Decide Now!
 Opted in once you have clicked and read the info and be the one that is supporting the well-being of our country!


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