Efficient Energy Storage set to out-compete Oil and Natural Gas!

Energy Storage for Alternate Energy options is becoming very efficient and is set to out-compete Fossil fuels and Natural Gas!

Investments from Research and Development are driving down the cost of Lithium-ion batteries - Proof of this? During the early 1990's it was $10,000 per Kilowatt-hour; by 2018 it will be $100 per Kilowatt-hour, that's a whopping 9,900 in the reduction of Kilowatts!

Something else to mention is when solar panels and wind turbines are combined, they produce consistent "clean" energy. This is a sharp contrast to the combination of Oil and natural gas!

Wind and Solar can be installed within a wide geographical area and can store excess energy that can be utilized when necessary. These storage components are Solid State Batteries, Flow Batteries, Flywheels and Compressed air. Unify these components together and transmission and distribution are immensely boosted. As a result, less money will be spent in their production, leaving more money for Customer Care.

During my day job, I advocate and speak to thousands of people per day regarding Solar. One theme that remains constant is that they don't value the Clean Energy Industry. They probably see it the same way video lovers viewed DVD when they first came out. 
"It's just some fad, it will pass." 
"I don't want to change, I love my videos!"

However, look what happened - videos are almost non-existent, while even Dvd's have been upgraded to Blue-Ray.

Solar or Clean Energy, in general, is on the move. Either you let go of the past or feast on dust!

Imagine all of our urban areas saturated with solar and wind turbine technology. All storage components in place and oil and gas are completely obsolete. There is also increased competition in the Clean Energy industry, which means more opportunities for you!

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